

It is not a problem that there is conflict in a relationship…it’s how we respond to it that makes all the difference in the world.

Have you tried to talk through things with your partner and find yourselves stuck in a negative cycle? When you try to talk do things become explosive and end worse than when you started? Maybe you have lost the “spark” you once had and want to know if it can return. Or maybe you’ve found yourself a place of loneliness in your relationship and are not sure how to talk about what is going on. Couples therapy can help you move out of blame and into a better understanding of the dynamics that are driving your difficulties, helping you to better understand your partner, and be better understood.

It is often helpful to have a third person present to help you get underneath the problems you are facing with your partner. All of us develop habitual patterns of relating that impede our abilities to see the present situation clearly. I will be here for both of you and will be committed to helping bring to light how both of you contribute to the dynamics at hand, and what your needs are. Couples therapy cannot “save” every relationship, and both people need to to be willing to put in the work it takes to make change, which can involve looking at things that are not easy to see. The good news is that with intention and effort, you have the possibility of finding much greater satisfaction in your relationship, while growing on a personal level as well.

I welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender.