Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

What Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) looks like

This is a very basic outline of the way I work with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) so you can have a general idea of the time and financial commitment required for this work. If we decide to work together, we will have plenty of time to delve further into the process. I offer a free 20-minute consultation to get to know you, and for you to ask questions about ketamine treatment.

Preparation and Integration sessions are available virtually or in person, with Covid protocol that is updated according to variations in the pandemic. Your and my safety is very important to me. The KAP sessions are held in person. At this time, I require a negative Covid home test for you and myself before meeting in person unmasked for the KAP sessions.

What is ketamine and how does it work therapeutically?

Ketamine is the only nation-wide legal psychedelic at this time. At high doses, it is used as an anesthetic, and at low to mid-range doses, it is used therapeutically in what is called “off-label” use. It is considered to be extremely safe, with only a few exceptions (see below about your medical evaluation).

KAP can help with depression, anxiety, and PTSD, among other mental health concerns.

Ketamine is anxiolytic. It quiets the part of our central nervous system that worries and frets. Because of this, most people do not experience anxiety during the KAP sessions, like one might with other psychedelic medicines. Many, but not all, experience a relaxed and pleasant state, an open field of awareness that is unique and awe-inspiring.

Reboot your brain, reboot your life

In our everyday lives, we are guided by what is known as the default mode network (DNM) of the brain. This network is made up of neural pathways that have been repeated and solidified over time, helping us make sense of the world, including guiding our perception of our relationship to ourselves, to others, and the social world in general. We need it to survive, to make meaning of all the information that comes from inside of us and around us. Said in another way, it runs all the stories we have about ourselves and the world. These stories become problematic when they become limiting to who we want to be, and we can’t seem to step out of what feels like reality. A few examples of limiting stories are: I’m unlovable; I’m worthy if I am productive and achieve things; the way to keep a connection with someone is to not have my own needs; I need to intimidate others to get what I need; I must keep myself small in order to be loved; I am all alone; I am not important to anyone; I’m a bad person; I don’t know how to take care of myself; I don’t need anyone.

The way that I hold this work is that ketamine lifts the veil of the DNM, giving a person access to themselves in a new way, unbound by our usual stories. The usual connections in the DNM very rapidly dissolve and your brain becomes free of the control of the DNM. One client who had been suffering from depression for many years described it as “letting go of the leash of the mind.” While you are on the medicine, it is likely you will experience new ways of being; some are able to witness their usual stories with a clarity and with a detachment, seeing how they are separate from their stories, and how there are other ways to experience themselves and life. Once the medicine wears off, there is possibly the most important work to be done: the keeping of the thread to the new insights and experiences had while on the ketamine; this is called the “integration” phase. This is a ripe period where new neural networks can be cultivated and supported, making new realities possible. This is where a highly trained therapist and guide can help the most.

How is this way of working different than many ketamine clinics and online ketamine treatment companies?

Many ketamine clinics, including ones that administer intravenous (IV) ketamine, do not have a therapist with you as a guide during the session. You may or may not spend time setting intentions before your ketamine journey. The bigger online ketamine companies probably cost less, but there is not the individualized support of a trained and licensed therapist during every step of the way. KAP with me is highly personalized, and I am with you every step of the way. I believe that our relationship is part of the healing itself. I consider it a collaborative process where I want to truly understand you, what holds you back from living the life you want to live, and help you grow new ways of feeling and living through a variety of ways which might include somatic (body-oriented) practices, support groups, expressive arts, and daily living opportunities to practice the new ways of being you will discover. I consider it a true honor to be an ally to you and your deepest Self.

One of the nice things about KAP is that its duration is only about one hour at its full effect, and we can begin with a very low dose and add more so that you can ease into the experience if it is new for you.

We will use sublingual (under the tongue) rapid dissolve lozenges.

My qualifications

In addition to my experience as a psychotherapist for over twenty-five years, and fifteen years previously as a bodyworker, I have completed a 6-module training program for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy at Polaris Insight Center, as well as advanced training at Healing Realms Center for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, both in San Francisco. I have also been trained and certified by MAPS — the The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies — as an MDMA therapist. I am the co-founder for GoldenWeave Network for Ethical Psychedelic Practices, a network of ketamine-assisted psychotherapists, social workers, medical doctors, psychiatrists, and trainers, who consult with each other to continue to further our education and ongoing training in this pioneering field so that we may bring the most cutting edge services to our clients, in a safe, ethical, and friendly environment.

Initial consultation

Complimentary 20 minute consultation: A session for me to learn about you and what you are seeking, and assess whether ketamine therapy may be a good fit for you and that we are a good fit to work together. You can ask me any questions you have about ketamine treatment.

Pre-KAP and Preparation Sessions
We will have a series of at least 3 pre-KAP sessions and one preparation session to make sure you are ready for your journey. Adequate preparation and integration are an integral part of the success of your ketamine treatment. During these sessions, we will hone in on the core issues you are working with, and I will help you set intentions for the medicine sessions.
Cost: $220 per session (50 minutes, and one 75 minute session to include scheduling)

Medical evaluation and prescription from our MD
This will be a comprehensive medical and psychological evaluation with a medical doctor to make sure you are a good candidate for this work and to make sure it is safe for you to use ketamine. Once you do the evaluation you will get a prescription sent to your home from the pharmacy.
Cost: $300/50 min

KAP Sessions
Usually clients will do a series of 1-3 KAP sessions. Each KAP session ranges from 3-4 hours. Sessions will utilize Ketamine rapid dissolve lozenges and dosage will be determined and discussed to cater to your needs.
Cost: 3 hour KAP $950

Integration Sessions
Cost: $220 per session/ 50 minutes
Each KAP session will be followed by an integration session the following week, followed by a preparation session for the next KAP session. These sessions will help you reflect on and anchor the material that emerges during your sessions and help you support the positive changes that are wanting to blossom. Integration sessions can expand into however many we feel would be necessary- this is a collaborative process between my clinical experience and what feels right for you.

Some people find they get a great deal from one cycle of KAP, and find that with practices that support what has been gained through the sessions, the effects are lasting. Others find that a series serves them better, to deepen the work and their relationship with the medicine. If you have experienced trauma in your life, particularly repeated childhood trauma, you will probably need more sessions to feel the benefits of treatment. I highly recommend at minimum a series of three. Some people find that after a series of KAP work, they like to return for a “booster” session at some point in the future, or repeatedly over time, such as every 3-6 months to deepen and continue the work they have been consolidating in their lives; we will work to find a maintenance plan that works for you and your needs.

Integrating your experiences

What you experience during the medicine sessions may be big and meaningful for you, and, it is not these experiences alone that bring about change. My approach holds that how you take these experiences and integrate them into yourself and your life are possibly the most important part of the treatment. Part of the process of working together is me helping you connect with resources outside of our relationship that will continue to support you in your integration of what emerges in the KAP sessions; these can include (but are not limited to) somatic and expressive arts practices, journaling practices, support groups, ongoing therapy with a therapist who can help you with your integration, classes, books, podcasts, etc.


I am not on any insurance panels so do not do any insurance billing, but if you have a PPO, I can give you a superbill for the services. A portion of these sessions may be covered if your plan covers out of network therapy, but I cannot guarantee that your insurance will cover any of it.

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you should it feel like a good fit!

Estimated Cost of KAP Series

A 3 KAP session series would be:

(1) 75-minute assessment session @ $300 = $300
(2) 50-minute Pre-Kap therapy sessions @ $220 = $440
(3) 3-hour Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy sessions @ $950 = $2,850
(3) 50 minute Preparatory Sessions @ $220 =

(3) 50-minute Integration Therapy Sessions @ $220 =



TOTAL: $4,830